Common Fears About Bariatric Surgery*

Choose the topic:

• Physical changes
• General anaesthesia
• Operation risk

Bariatric surgery, also called gastric surgery, helps patients to lose weight by reducing the stomach and, consequently, reducing the intake of food. It is natural to be fearful of the surgery but you can undoubtedly reduce the anxiety. What you should do is gather information about the procedure, consult your doctor and trust him. You should not think up things, if you are not sure – ask, consult your surgeon. So you can understand the facts better. The most common fears are physical changes (mostly weight regain), complications of anaesthesia and operation risk.

Physical changes

General anaesthesia

For successful anaesthesia premedication is very important. It is a series of actions and drugs that should be taken before the operation. Doctor will tell you not to eat for 24 hours before the procedure. Also, you may have to take some pills to reduce gastric acidity (omeprazole or ranitidine) or cancel blood-thinning drugs to reduce chance of bleeding. These recommendations will come from your general practitioner right before the hospitalization. Surgeons may recommend losing some weight. Then the operation becomes shorter, fewer drugs are needed, recovery process is faster and wounds heal better.

Operation risk

The majority of people do not worry about the operation itself, but about the following pain and discomfort, wound healing, long recovery period and adjusting to new habits. It is worth mentioning that most of the bariatric procedures are now performed laparoscopically. This means that the surgeon operates through 3 small holes made in your abdomen, that serve as portals for a pair of specially designed tools and a camera, that lets the operator see the view from the inside of your belly. This technique offers a less traumatic approach that ensures shorter hospital stay, faster, less painful recovery and extra small scars. Due to the small size of incision other complications as infection at the incision size, failure of the sutures or peritonitis (inflammation of the inside lining of the abdominal cavity) are also significantly reduced.